On this last Friday of February and in the last full week of American Heart Month I cannot urge you enough to be mindful of your personal Heart Health! If you do not know your family history, search it out; if you are not active everyday, start a little at a time; if you aren't a healthy eater try changing things a few meals at a time. Heart disease is the #1 killer in America! I was reading online just this morning about an 8 year old boy suffering a heart attack yesterday while at his school located in North Carolina. All I can say is WOW. Reading that made me just pause and think #1 how lucky I am and #2 that I need to get on the ball with my own health. I hope as the DES PE teacher that I can be a role model for my students. I do not want to stand idling by, teaching one thing to my students and then doing something else on my own time. I am really going to try as hard as I can to always do as I say and not just tell kids to themselves do what I say and not what I do. Are any of us always going to be perfect, no. Can we strive to be our best, Yes! Please join me in trying to lead a healthy and active life! Below are links to articles concerning heart health:

8 Year Old Suffers Heart Attack - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41767547/ns/health-heart_health/?gt1=43001
Heart disease can be serious, silent in young women - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41537115/ns/health-womens_health/
Many stick with fast food after heart attack - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41670065/ns/health-heart_health/

Click on the American Heart Association Icon above to take the FREE Life's Simple 7 My Life Check Assessment, to get your personal heart score and life plan, it could truly save your life

Hello everyone! 

Can you believe we are halfway through February already. As most of you  know February is American Heart Month. American Heart Month was set aside to create awareness for cardiovascular disease, the #1 killer in America!

There are many ways to join the fight against Cardiovascular Disease in America, you can donate money to the American Heart Association (the DeWitt Junior High & Senior High Cheerleaders are selling shirts that benefit the American Heart Association - click on the DJH Cheer tab for more info!), you can visit the American Heart Association website - www.heart.org - to educate yourself about the warning signs for heart attach and stroke, and if you are a smoker you can stop smoking immediately. One of the best things you can do for yourself and your family is to try to eat a Heart Healthy diet and Play Everyday!  It is recommended that children under 18 be active a minimum of 60 minutes a day and adults over 18  a minimum of 30 minutes a day. I urge all of you to carve out time each day for active play, it could save your heart and your life!